Albert J. Bows Scholarship Endowment

Albert J. Bows Scholarship Endowment

Albert J. Bows (pictured) was a Certified Public Accountant and upon graduation in 1935 joined Arthur Andersen & Co. where he worked for 40 years until his retirement in 1975. Upon retirement from Arthur Andersen, he became dean of the business school at Emory University. He was instrumental in putting together the funding that led to remodeling and expanding the Rich Building (now the Theater Building just below the current business school). He started up the School’s executive MBA program and, last but not least, obtained endowment commitments in support of two of the School’s chaired professorships.

Your note of gratitude goes to Mr. John G. Sample, Jr. 78BBA, an Emory alumnus and formerly with Arthur Anderson LLP.